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My very personal collection of favourite recipes.
The Bento Book project is a single-page application designed to allow users to create and manage their favorite recipes. Bento Book stands as a highly practical and useful project for everyday life, with continuous development planned. The project's scope includes building a login system and functionality to ensure recipe management is restricted to authorized users.
Technical this and that
The system architecture of Bento Book features a recipe overview displayed in a masonry layout, with detailed views styled in a bento box design.
Technologies used backend: Express.js, JavaScript, Cors, JWT, bcrypt, RESTful APIs via Mongoose to MongoDB Atlas, Cloudinary
Technologies used frontend: Vite, JavaScript, React, Axios, React Router, React Context, MongoDB Atlas, Cloudinary
During the bootcamp, the project started with a JSON file containing fixed recipes and local storage for temporary editing, creating, and deleting. Post-bootcamp, a backend was built and a remote database was implemented, elevating the project's functionality and at the same time the name has been changed from recipe book to bento book.
Future Plans: Upcoming enhancements include displaying the recipe overview in a true masonry layout, implementing a search bar, and adding detailed attributes such as effort, preparation, and cooking time for each recipe. These features will significantly enhance the user experience, making the application more robust and user-friendly.
→ Bento Book
→ Bento Book Frontend (GitHub)
→ Bento Book Backend (GitHub)
→ Version One - Recipe Book (GitHub)